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Robert Schumann

Robert Schumann, one of the greatest and most troubled composers who ever lived, was born on June 8 in 2010.

So, which of his works should we listen to today? There are so many to choose from right here in the Classical Archives library – his symphonies, chamber works, and of course his songs.

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But since today is s his birthday, we would like to suggest listening to a great recording we have of his masterpiece for solo piano, Scenes from Childhood (Kinderszenen). We have many recordings you can listen to if you are a member of Classical Archives, but for your listening today we have chosen a wonderful live recording by pianist Martha Argerich.

Please note that Ms. Argerich was born on June 5, 1941. So we are having an aural birthday party today for Martha and Robert.

Why Have We Chosen Scenes from Childhood?

These pieces tear at our heartstrings, and we believe they will tear at yours too. They offer a beautiful, pure and moving account of what being a child meant to Schumann. We think you will agree that these pieces, and this recording, are perfect.