We learned this week that Maestro Michael Tilson Thomas recently had surgery for a brain tumor.
What unsetting news! Yet we have also learned that MTT (as his legions of fans like to call him) is mending up just fine and is planning to return to the podium to conduct in a few months. Bravo, maestro.
What is the best way to let this esteemed American conductor know that we are rooting for him? We thought about that question, and decided that it would be a good idea for us to listen together to one of his many recordings that in the library here at Classical Archives.
But which recording? We spent some time thinking about it, because there are many of his recordings to choose from here on Classical Archives – would it be a work by John Adams, Charles Ives, Aaron Copland, or . . .?”
It will not surprise you to learn that after some consideration, we decided to share a recording of Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 4 in G that MTT made with his beloved San Francisco Symphony back in 2011. Then, when we realized that the pianist for this performance is Emanuel Ax, that clinched it! If you are a member of Classical Archives, we invite you to join us and listen now.
If we were ever under the weather and wanted to have a warm, supportive individual on our side, Emanuel Ax would be our top choice.
So all the piece fell into place – Beethoven, Emanuel Ax and Michael Tilson Thomas. Let’s listen together. We cannot lose with this one.
All of us at Classical Archives send our healing best wishes to Michael Tilson Thomas. Please come back and see us soon.

Michael Tilson Thomas